Renowned Prophet and Seer Has a Petrifying Prediction After the Elections!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Cindy Jacobs, one of the respected prophets by many people around the world,unveiled a chilling prediction for the Philippines in the upcoming elections. For sure no one can tell what will happen in the near future, but maybe with the seer's uncanny foresight, we may be able to get an idea.

What will the future hold under the leadership of a new president? Will we be able to usher from the corruption that marred the country for a very long time? Will the winds of change finally blow away the past issues and pave the way for a new era?

Jacobs has conveyed a prophecy in which according to her, is sent from the Almighty God to deliver a message to the people of the Philippines.

She said that the country is under the 'Principality of Corruption' and is encouraging the people to pray to God for guidance and wisdom in choosing the next president of the country.

Her foretelling suggests that the country will experience greatness and downfall at the same time in the future. But with Jacobs' reassurance that by the power of God, the evil and corrupt manifestations will be purged with the help of the unwavering faith of the Filipino people.

The binds of corruption will be broken, and only time will tell if the next chosen leader of the country will bring a new era of leadership and guidance to the Philippines, with the help and blessing from the Almighty God.

What are your sentiments about the prophecy of Cindy Jacobs? Head over to the comments section and sound off your own opinions!

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